Liv Zimmermann specializes in planning and construction law.
Liv has over thirty years of experience with real estate matters. Before she began practicing real estate law in 2005, she spent 15 years working with development and construction cases in the public sector, including as head of department and assistant director at Oslo Planning and Building Authority.
Liv has been appointed to several legislative committees, contributing proposals for amendments to the construction portion of the current Planning and Building Act and the Ownership of Property Units Act. She also chaired the Norwegian Bar Association’s building and zoning law committee.
Liv advises construction clients and contractors on a wide range of planning and construction issues, including the implementation of planning processes, negotiation of development agreements, land acquisition, reimbursement claims, building permits, completion certificates and post-sale issues. She frequently collaborates with architects, engineers, real estate agents and other consultants to secure the best possible outcome for her clients.Â
Her in-depth knowledge of the public administration and political decision processes enable Liv to contribute both professionally and strategically to planning and construction processes. She advises municipalities and other public sector clients on a broad range of property law matters, including on-going consultancy, quality assurance of administrative decisions, investigation of complicated issues and litigation. She also assists private clients.
Liv is regularly invited to lecture on planning and building law. Since 2013, Liv has lectured her fellow market colleagues on updates in case law at the annual planning and building law conference organized by the Center for Continuing Legal Education. In recent years, she has also given several lectures on environmental law, including on the EU’s taxonomy and climate and environmental requirements in land-use plans.
Together with fellow Hjort partner Frode A. Innjord, Liv has co-edited and co-authored Gyldendal’s commentary on the Planning and Building Act (2nd edition).