- CV
- Ranking
- Other
Relevant experience
- Advisor and examinator for employment law and data privacy for law students at the University of Oslo
- Lectures frequently within the practice area of employment law and data privacy
Professional Experience
Memberships / Honoraries
The Norwegian Bar Association
Norwegian Association for law and computer science
2001 – 2004 Deputy member of the Norwegian Policy Board
Claude is ranked as an employment law and data privacy specialist in both Legal 500 and Chambers Europe.
The Legal 500 EMEA: Claude is ranked in the “Leading Individuals” category for employment.
“Claude Lenth delivered excellent advice. He is extremely responsive and always pleasant to work with. We could not be more pleased. Although a busy and highly popular team, they always manage to make you feel prioritised. A pleasure to work with.”
“Claude Lenth is a very experienced lawyer with a practical approach to complex matters.”
Chambers Europe: Claude Lenth primarily offers clients advice on various employment law matters, including non-compete and non-solicitation clauses, GDPR, restructurings, and employee transfers. A client notes his “broad experience” and appreciates that he “always answers his phone or calls back promptly, giving solid advice.” Another client highlights his “commercial awareness and is always there if there is a change to legislation that clients need to know about.” Additionally, a client describes him as “very competent, proactive and solution-oriented.”
Editor and Co-author of Arbeidsrett.no, kommentarutgave til ny arbeidsmiljølov (www.arbeidsrett.no) which is a commentary to the Norwegian Working Environment Act, for practitioners
Co-author of “Konkurransebegrensninger i arbeidsforhold”, Universitetsforlaget 2016, which details restrictive covenants in employment relationships, for practitioners.
Co-author of Personopplysningsloven – en håndbok, Kommuneforlaget i 2000, which is a legal presentation of the former Norwegian Data Privacy Act, for practitioners.
Research dissertation at The University of Oslo: “Adgangen til å behandle personopplysninger,” Institute for Legal Science, Complex 2/2000