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Alex Borch

Admitted to the Supreme Court

Alex Borch specializes in employment law and dispute resolution.

He assists both employers and employees with legal advice in the practice area of employment law. He has comprehensive litigation experience and has negotiated a significant number of termination agreements for both employers and employees. Additionally, Alex has experience involving employees who start up a competing business – or transfer to competing businesses. He has edited the book “Konkurransebegrensninger i arbeidsforhold”, and was asked by the Ministry to contribute to the legislative process that resulted in new legislation being adopted in the area. Alex has lectured several times at the annual employment law course.

Alex has extensive experience involving professional liability and board members’ liability. In 2019 he handled several large compensation cases against law firms in both the Court of Appeals and the Norwegian Supreme Court. Alex has also assisted many former board members in compensation proceedings.

Alex has broad litigation experience from various contract disputes. The disputes have involved e.g. purchases, franchise relationships, collaboration agreements and distribution agreements. Limitation has been a particular topic in several of the disputes.

Alex has litigated a number of cases regarding the type of power of attorney a lawyer has to enter into settlements, age discrimination and whether a foundation was validly created.

Professional Experience
Admitted to the Supreme Court, Advokatfirmaet Hjort
Partner, Advokatfirmaet Hjort
Attorney, Wiersholm, Mellbye & Bech, Advokatfirma AS
Senior Executive Officer/Acting Legal Adviser, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Justice
Arbitrator education, Association of Danish lawyers
Law degree, University of Oslo

Alex is ranked in the elite “Leading individuals” list for employment law in The Legal 500 EMEA Guide to outstanding lawyers in Europe, Middle East and Africa. His consecutive ranking as a leading individual in the employment is based on him being “highly regarded” by his clients.

Legal 500 has designated Alex as one of eight “leading individuals” within employment law, and as “clearly a market leader” and “exceptionally personable”. He is also recommended within dispute resolution.

Chambers & Partners has acknowledged that Alex is “lauded by clients as a very effective and trustworthy litigator”, also observing that one source notes that “in terms of quality he’s one of the best lawyers in Norway”. Another individual states that he is “always quick to respond” and describes him as “a great sparring partner with a good eye for what is important and a strong understanding of situations.” Additionally, clients highlight that “Alex Borch is highly skilled and able to explain complex matters in an understandable way” and that “Alex provides strong delivery on all accounts.” Alex Borch is also recognized for his “high level of expertise in dispute resolution.”


«Konkurransebegrensninger i arbeidsforhold» 2016 (Editor)

Norwegian law commentary, author of the comments pertaining to the Statuatory Limitations Act and the debt collection law

«Konkurranseklausuler, kundeklausuler og ikke-rekrutteringsklausuler», report to the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion 2008 (co-authors Else Bugge Fougner, Claude A. Lenth and Marie Ljones Fjulsrud)

«Hjemmevakt og arbeidsfri», Arbeidsrett nr. 4/2006

«Konkurranse med nåværende eller tidligere arbeidsgiver», Lov og Rett nr. 2/2000 (Co-author Jan Fougner)

«Romatraktatens artikkel 37 – Særlig om bestemmelsens betydning for A/S Vinmonopolet ved et norsk EF-medlemsskap», IUSEF nr. 4/1991