Important Clarification from the Supreme Court: Employee Not Covered by Occupational Injury Insurance During Breaks at Home Office
In a recent decision, the Supreme Court has established that employees taking breaks from work at their home office are not covered by the national insurance occupational injury coverage. The judgment provides important clarifications on when employees are covered by occupational injury insurance and is of central importance for anyone working fully or partially from a home office.

Hjort Continues to be a part of Norwegian Space History
For many years, we have assisted Space Norway in establishing broadband in the Arctic. On August 12, 2024, two Norwegian satellites were launched from California to orbit around the Arctic. This marks a significant and decisive step in the program.

Navigating International Requests for Evidence Collection in Norway
Mastering the complexities of international legal procedures demands expertise. When assessing evidence collection abroad, several practical issues can arise that can complicate the process, including differences in legal systems, jurisdictional issues, and logistical challenges.

The Government Proposes Stricter Regulation of the End-User Electricity Market
As a part of efforts to facilitate a more consumer-friendly electricity market, the government today proposed changes to the Energy Act, the Marketing Act, and the Consumer Purchase Act. The bill, which affects both electricity suppliers and end-users, will now be presented to the Norwegian Parliament, “Stortinget”, for final review.

Important Clarification from the Supreme Court on the Obligation to Offer Alternative Suitable Work Upon Dismissal
On June 26, 2024, the Supreme Court issued a judgment that provides guidance on when an employer is obligated to offer other suitable work upon dismissal related to circumstances on the employee’s side.

Legislative changes related to the content of the written employment contract
On July 1, 2024, a legislative change that establishes new requirements for the content of employment contracts will come into effect. This amendment expands the list of information that must be included in employment contracts entered into after July 1. Additionally, employees will be able to request that existing employment contracts be updated or supplemented. Therefore, the legislative change means that employers must update their templates for employment contracts and prepare for existing contracts to be updated or supplemented.