More stringent rules regarding consent to the use of cookies
For some time there have been very different views on whether the use of cookies requires active consent from the visitors to an internet page. In Norway the basis has been that the use of cookies is dependent on the user’s browser settings.

New requirements aimed at preventing marketing that may cause body-image pressure for children and young adults
The Norwegian Media Authority and the Consumer Authority have issued guidelines containing requirements for influencers, their network and advertisers. The guidelines seek to reduce body-image pressure by ensuring good and responsible marketing practices.

HARD BREXIT – The “impossible” scenario becoming more and more likely! What consequences will this have for Norwegian companies?
Prime Minister Boris Johnson seems determined to lead Britain out of the European Union with or without a deal on October 31st. Given the latest events, (no breakthroughs in talks between United Kingdom and EU, and the “suspension” of Parliament from September 11th to October 14th) the conclusion must be that the risk of United Kingdom leaving the EU without a withdrawal agreement (so-called “hard Brexit” or “no-deal Brexit”) is vastly increasing.

Proposed Regulation for Offshore Energy and Opening of Offshore Areas for Wind Power
On July 2, the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy issued a proposal for the opening of offshore areas for renewable energy production, along with a proposed regulation on offshore renewable energy production, for public consultation. Below is an overview of the most important updates.

Signalling in Media – An infringement of competition law?
Hjort lawyer, Pernille Hasselgård, has published an article in The European Competition and Regulatory Law Review. In the article, she discusses the use of media as a means of sending signals to competitors and whether this might infringe the prohibition against anti-competitive cooperation. Over the last couple of years, the European Commission and several national competition authorities have shown keen interest in this issue.