Our aim is to reflect our society. Whether it is differentiating right from wrong, or when societal norms, laws and guidelines need to be weighed against development and opportunities. Hjort is present when it concerns the values of people, society and businesses.
Promote Justice and Prevent Injustice
A common thread throughout all of our practice areas is our strong and acknowledged litigation experience. Since the establishment of our firm representing private individuals, public authorities and private businesses has been the core of our business. As a full-service law firm, we are able to represent our clients at all levels of the Norwegian court system. In addition to our commericial law experience, we have a long tradition of representing individuals in human rights cases. We support a number of charities every year through direct financial support and pro bono cases.
Eco-lighthouse Certification
Hjort is Eco-lighthouse-certified (Miljøfyrtårn). This means that our business meets strict requirements related to waste disposal, sustainable purchasing, energy efficiency, HSE and the working environment. Eco-lighthouse is a national environmental certification system run by the Miljøfyrtårn Foundation. The foundation was established in 2003 by central undertakings from trade and industry and the public sector. More information about the Eco-lighthouse certification scheme can be found at www.eco-lighthouse.org.
Collaboration with Amnesty
Hjort has a long tradition of representing individuals in human rights cases. This is an important part of our history and our corporate social responsibility.
Hjort often supports charitable objectives and projects. Since 2014, we have had a collaboration agreement with Amnesty International Norway. Amnesty’s neutral political position and general advocacy for “freedom, equality and justice for all” coincides with the lawyer’s fundamental task of promoting justice and preventing injustice, which lies at the heart of our firm.
Hjort and Amnesty also collaborate on internal and external seminars to promote greater awareness, understanding and knowledge of Amnesty’s human rights work.
Charitable Objectives
Hjort has supported the free legal advice service Advokatvakten for a number of years, and regularly makes financial contributions to initiatives and organisations such as the University of Oslo’s Human Rights Week, the Norwegian Association of Disabled People and the Norwegian Red Cross.
JURK- Free Legal Aid Clinic for Women
Hjort collaborates with Juridisk rådgivning for kvinner (JURK), a free legal aid clinic for women that provides free legal assistance. For JURK it is imperative that each individual that defines themselves as women have the opportunity to obtain their legal rights and to ensure that discrimination does not take place. JURK is comprised of law students that have provided legal aid to over 50 000 women since its establishment. Hjort acts as an advisor for JURKs caseworkers, through training and seminars. In addition we assist JURK with complicated cases through our pro-bono program.
Our vision
We recruit on the basis of professional skill, personality and integrity, irrespective of gender. This is reflected by our longstanding high percentage of female lawyers and partners.
Our Involvement
We encourage our team to participate in political life and to support the development of the laws and regulations in Norway. Our lawyers participate in various committees and commissions, publish journal articles on legal topics, as well as feature articles and comment pieces in major media publications.
To share our legal expertise we offer a number of free seminars. At our seminars we focus on key topics for substantial business development.