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Advokatfirmaet Hjort assists Port of Bergen (Bergen Havn AS) in the acquisition of two companies in Ågotnes

The Port of Bergen is one step closer to a new cargo port.

The Port of Bergen is one step closer to a new cargo port in Ågotnes after acquiring 78.95 % of shares in two companies, Bergen Havn Ågotnes AS and Bergen Havn Utvikling AS from KS Coast Central Base. The remaining 21.05 % shares of the companies are owned by the Øygarden municipality.

The transaction took place on December 22, 2020, and the Port of Bergen was assisted by Hjort attorneys Jørn A. Uggerud, Kristin Bjella, Mariann Andersen, Kjersti Cecilie Jensen and Pernille Edh Hasselgård.

«2027 looks like the year of the final establishment. Our goal is for a gradual move to Ågotnes, but we know that we cannot establish ourselves in Ågotnes until the Sotra Connection («Sotrasambandet») is completed. A cargo port in Ågotnes correlates well with the vision of zero emissions from the Port of Bergen. The new port will be a cargo hub for the region, and it will allow for zero emissions in sea transport between hubs in Ågotnes and the industry and warehouses in the district,” says Johnny Brevik , the Managing Director for Port of Bergen.


Read more about the project here.

Port of Bergen

The Port of Bergen is Norway’s second largest port, and is one of the most popular cruise destinations in Europe. On May 1, 2019, Port of Bergen changed from an intermunicipal company to a limited company. The company Port of Bergen is a port cooperation between Bergen municipality and the surrounding municipalities Alver, Askøy, Austrheim, Bjørnafjorden, Fedje and Øygarden. Its key areas of focus are to promote sea transport and to manage, operate, and develop the port facilities.